Who we are?
Hi…! Welcome to Ali’s Educational Academy – Institute of Fire & Safety and Educational Consultants. We are one of the well known and reputed training providers for Fire and Safety Trainings and Educational Consultants in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
We believe everyone should have the opportunity to create progress and a good career path through Learning Safety and develop the skills.
We are into this field to educate and create a path for the students who are willing start their career in Safety Field. We deals with many type of Fire and Safety Courses in Diploma, PG Diploma, BSc Fire and Safety, BTech in Fire and Safety, MBA Safety Management. We also deals with Regular and Correspondence Diploma in Engineering, UG and PG Courses with the eligibility for Continuing Higher Education, HRD & Embassy Attestation and Employment Exchange.

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Approval’s & Recognition’s

Board of Professional Education and Research

Asian International University, Manipur